All IONICA® products are certified with a personalised and numbered certificate of authenticity.

IONICA® Enterprises Australia:
Unit 10, 38-44 Elizabeth Street Wetherill Park, NSW 2164
Unit 10, 38-44 Elizabeth Street Wetherill Park, NSW 2164
Postal Address:
P.O.Box 6298, Wetherill Park, DC NSW 1851
T: +61 2 9756 1385 | F: +61 9756 1370
Handcrafted with Care and Devotion.
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The quality and craftsmanship of their products is unmatched in the funeral industry. That is why we always recommend Ionica coffins and caskets to our discerning clients who seek only the best for their loved ones. Indeed, Ionica has been our choice to fittingly send off even our own loved ones. Thank you for the outstanding, professional and friendly service you have given us throughout the years. Ionica, truly Made in Italy!

With this comes a commitment to only using Coffins of the highest quality. My company Paul Lahood Funeral Services proudly provides and strongly recommends IONICA Coffins and Caskets. They are manufactured from the highest quality timbers with exceptional workmanship. With products fit for people from all walks of life and suitable for all funeral types, IONICA is truly an industry leader.
Paul Lahood

We at A. O’Hare Funeral Directors (NSW) Pty Ltd would like to thank Domenic Carlino and Liz Amalfi for all their assistance with regard to supplying our company with quality and authentic Ionica coffins and caskets.
We would like to acknowledge our long standing relationship which spans in excess of 25 years which commenced with the then owner, the Late Phil Carlino and are still proud to have continued the same relationship in which Dom and Liz provide outstanding service and the same quality Italian products.
All in all, we would like to thank Ionica Management and staff for your dedication and first class service. We look forward to the next 25 years.
Rosa Peronace (Managing Director)